Today, reaching a new international market and prospective customers via your website could not be easier! Your website is your image, your soul and your strength! Why not let us help you localize it and transform it to provide you with substantial benefits and results?
Website localization is the process of translating and adapting a website from one language into another in order to make it linguistically and culturally relevant and appropriate for users in a particular local market. As a result of factors such as cultural-adaptation and double-byte enabling for Chinese, Japanese and Korean, it involves much more than simple translation of words, as previously mentioned.
Having an in-depth knowledge of how the website is built up and how to adapt each of its components (such as on-line help, etc.), our in-country localization team will not only be able to produce fully functional localized versions with the same flawless language quality as the original, but also update and manage your localization projects efficiently.
Work Process
To localize your website, all you need to do is send us the source files or provide us with access to your website so that we can download your site, perform a word count and send you the details so that you can accept what is to be translated and delete unnecessary files.
The types of source files we can handle include:
- JAVA and JavaScript
- ColdFusion
Our localization team will then work directly on these files and ensure your translated website really speaks to your target country. Once our work is finished, we’ll pass you back the finished localized website, ready for you to upload as a truly localized website.
All in all, a multi-lingual website will not only attract new customers in the market you are focusing on, bringing both traffic and revenue for your company, but also secure your position as a global player in a global arena.
Between 2000 to 2017, we have translated or localized nearly five hundred websites, some of which we have done recently include the following:
Just CLICK HERE to get a Free Quote on our Specialized Website Localization or call us at +65 6570 6028.